Interior Design For Living Room and Bedroom

Interior Design For Living Room and Bedroom

Interior Design

In Design Lab International we have a team of professionally experienced designers with the highest level of expertise who are favorites in rendering beautiful and desired 3D interiors. Our designers devote their skills and incorporate diligence in doing good designs as per the required choices regarding composition thus giving the scene its emotion and atmosphere as appearing below.

Our team of expert designers poses excellent communication and interpersonal skills which smoothly facilitate their understanding of clients’ needs and also aid in the discussion of their ideas. They have thoroughly mastered the following communication criteria: active listening, oral communication, problem sensitivity, written communication, presentation and negotiation.

The top-notch designers always exceed the expected level of vision. They are highly able to spot and see what could be and actually is. This is by generally looking and actively and keenly surveying an empty room area and clearly envisioning what can work in that space, or might be looking at a decorated space and imagining something totally and still significantly different. They have the ability to see great potential in the whole natural lighting, the angles of walls and ceilings and more. With vision our designers are highly aware in spatial awareness, space planning, room function, furniture arrangements, appliance arrangements and also ambiance.

Creativity is also a non-missing skill for our almost perfect designers. They are able to keep up to date on both current trends and styles in the job. They also know the necessity and are able to translate their artistic eye to a sketch that conveys ideas to the clients.

interior design bedroom

Design Lab International’s designers through their creativity make designs that are aesthetically pleasing to clients because of their highly artistic nature.

Our professionals in design with their expertise are also function aware and cautious. They marry their creativity with keen awareness that each and every space they design has a purpose. Kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms all have different and specific functions that must definitely be addressed in the design and they need to be balanced within the overall creative vision.

Our designers are able to adapt and remain open to clients’ needs and this allows them to stretch their skills and retain different clientele. They are able to mold their style within the requests of the client while fully staying true to their aesthetic. For example, a family of four moving into their first home is and a young bachelor in the city may have widely different needs.

Our designers are also well versed with maintaining harmony and balance in their designs. They are able to arrange furniture, appliances and décor in a manner leaving the room feeling balanced.

Perfect Arrangement of furniture and appliance

    • The perfect arrangement creates an aesthetically pleasing and appealing arrangement that definitely brings good energy to the interior which is the wish and liking of our designers.
    • Our designers are also able to build up small elements from wall colours and flooring to lighting and décor so as to create an interior that definitely works all together and that one that is eye catching and highly appealing.
    • Design Lab International designers are also well aware of budget and time management.
    • Interior designers constantly work with two very important and vital elements which are time and money.
    • With every project to design having a fixed or even flexible budget and timeline our interior designers always ensure that things come in on the right time and within proper and fitting budget.
    • This is highly contributed and influenced by their good organizational and negotiation skills, their great attention to detail as well as their limitless and professional ability to solve each and every problem that is on the fly.

Good use of technology is another characteristic of our team. This helps our interior designers not only to stay organized but also become an industry standard. This keeps our designers always updated on different design trends and styles ensuring that they maintain the highest and required level of industry practice.

Our expert designers are usually great problem solvers. They always look for answers to questions and solutions to various situations that even the clients don’t even know they have yet. With this they are able to steer projects through rocky situations that clients that inevitably arise, build very high level of customer trust and confidence, as well as create a beautiful yet very functional space. In addition to problem solving they also excel at follow up.

The team of our designers is headed and controlled by highly experienced and very professional principal designers who also understand every part and bit of the design requirements in depth. The principal designers then facilitate the initiation of designing, revision and redesigning of the designs in the various projects. They keenly follow all these processes to ensure all the required bits are incorporated and none is left out. Our principal designer also monitor’s all design processes in a procedural manner thus rendering zero room for false and fake designs.

Embracing diverse styles is also habitual for our designers since they have already developed outstanding knowledge of a wide variety of styles, techniques and aesthetics. They begin by understanding the different modern interior styles that are currently on trend. From populist styles such as Contemporary, Minimalist and Scandinavian to the more niche Vernacular and Commercial there is usually lot to explore for our designers and they often find fascinating and new ways to fuse separate elements from some of these styles seamlessly within their design.

Taking inspiration from everything and everywhere is usually also very common among our designers. They deeply understand that everything seen, smelt, felt, or even heard has the potential to trigger an emotion or a spark of a different and better creativity. This ensures our designers improve moment after moment, day in day out even despite still being in the highest level of industry practice.

To add to, our professional designers usually have an interest in not only creating but also persuading interest areas. The creating interest area is usually a focus on being imaginative and original, and working with artistic media. The persuading interest area indicates a focus of not only selling to other people but also motivating and influencing.

Our experts always and usually strive to capture each and every vision of their clients and endeavor to express it through breathtaking bespoke designs making our clients tasks not only more understandable but more simplified and also eases the execution of the task.

All the success-oriented traits of our designers are summarized as: a love of decorating, a winning attitude to conquer challenges, drive, industrious nature, the subtle trait of creativity, detail oriented, professionalism, knowledge of diverse design styles and the ability to multi-task.

With all the expertise and professionalism of our designers all designs are planned, organized and done as required. With limited expertise in design some tasks and procedures may not flow and occur as required thus resulting to various problems.

Faulty designs of a house also cause too much repairs to be done on the house thus negatively affecting the lifespan of a house and may similarly lead to the demolition of the house which is usually some extra cost incurred.

Poor designers are similarly not well versed with the most important skill when designing which is communication, thus causing a communication gap. When this occurs execution of the design will be very difficult it to worse extents even almost to impossible thus not meeting the needs and expectations of the clients.

Designs by designers with no expertise usually miss the vital ingredient of creativity. Such designs are usually not up to date with both the current trends and style. Similarly, such designs are usually not aesthetically pleasing with their artistic nature.

Unexperienced designers are also less or not at all cautious of fundamental factors which are time and budget. Failing to put into consideration the budget leads to financial constrains to clients and thus trust is lost for such designers and they are also handed negative recommendations. Incase of poor timing some execution processes may be caught up by time and thus their proper occurrence is hindered.

Non-professional designers are not able to balance furniture in their designs of a room. Too much furniture in a living room layout hinders good circulation. A space should never feel too cramped causes unnecessary disturbances always in the room. It is always good to maintain a stable distance so as to achieve an overall aesthetic that is pure and simple.

Set-like designs are also a result of designers with less expertise, which is as a result of matching. Matching materials and furniture give a room an appearance that is more of a showroom and can be very underwhelming. By mixing textures a much more elevated space that looks thoughtfully curated and well designed can be created. Still the mixing of furnishings and furniture should be thoughtful. Thoughtful placement is everything if decorative objects and art are part of the design.

Boring appearances of rooms are also as a result of poor designers. This may be as a result of beige walls, all brown furniture and maybe one mass-produced print on the wall pretending to be art. Designers should bring in beautiful appearances that make a house a unique oasis that welcomes the inhabitants at the end of a hard day and also tells an intriguing story to visitors.

Inappropriate designs may give rooms very dark or dull appearances due to the inability of light getting into the room. This may be as a result of inappropriate general layout design or poor wall and ceiling designs that my have adverse effects on lighting of the room and in turn its general appearance.

Inaccurate and inappropriate designs come with repercussions all of which are negative. These shortcomings usually cause problems in the execution parts. They either make the execution flowless, difficult or even messed up. Incorrect designs are hard to understand or eve comprehend thus imposing negativity in the execution.

Design lab International designs are just more than what is desired and expected. They are well planned, organized and reviewed. The beauty of these designs is not only just on seeing them but in that the same designs can be incorporated in the actual site. The designs maintain the highest level of designing practice. Clients get more than what they expect from these designs and their work is made easier and more simplified by the designs. With such well done designs the execution is usually not only simple but it is automatically the outright and rightful one.

interior design1Actual photo from site1interior design bedroom2

The 3D designs are usually real ones and of high quality and this can clearly be spotted
The incorporation of these designs on site is usually very possible and is definitely what is done and can also be clearly be spotted as on actual site

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